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  1. Long John's Birthday‏‎ (2 Links)
  2. Reit im Winkler‏‎ (2 Links)
  3. Star of David‏‎ (2 Links)
  4. The Dancers Cleekit‏‎ (2 Links)
  5. The Queen's Silver Jubilee‏‎ (2 Links)
  6. Trip to Crieff‏‎ (2 Links)
  7. Unser Tanzbuch‏‎ (2 Links)
  8. Bandltanz aus Klagenfurt‏‎ (2 Links)
  9. Betsy's Dance‏‎ (2 Links)
  10. Craigmillar Castle‏‎ (2 Links)
  11. Fine Lady of Homewood‏‎ (2 Links)
  12. Hambo från Råå‏‎ (2 Links)
  13. Kitten in the Rain‏‎ (2 Links)
  14. Margaree Valley Jig‏‎ (2 Links)
  15. Opposites Attract‏‎ (2 Links)
  16. Royal Scot, Pullin' to Edinburgh‏‎ (2 Links)
  17. Sylvan Moon‏‎ (2 Links)
  18. The Flower of the Mill‏‎ (2 Links)
  19. The Silver Square‏‎ (2 Links)
  20. Vicki's Dance‏‎ (2 Links)
  21. A Health To Betty‏‎ (2 Links)
  22. Boys Of The Bunch‏‎ (2 Links)
  23. Dañs fisel - Ar butun‏‎ (2 Links)
  24. Fun in the Sun‏‎ (2 Links)
  25. Highland Laddie‏‎ (2 Links)
  26. Lady-Day‏‎ (2 Links)
  27. Midway Park‏‎ (2 Links)
  28. Schneider-Tanz‏‎ (2 Links)
  29. The Beauty Of The North‏‎ (2 Links)
  30. The Horwich Original Polka‏‎ (2 Links)
  31. The Walkers O' Banchory‏‎ (2 Links)
  32. When the Work's All Done This Fall‏‎ (2 Links)
  33. Donaudorfer Gadrille‏‎ (2 Links)
  34. In And Out The Window‏‎ (2 Links)
  35. Moonwalkers Reel‏‎ (2 Links)
  36. Shoo the Donkey‏‎ (2 Links)
  37. The MacBoehmer Jig‏‎ (2 Links)
  38. Archie Menzies‏‎ (2 Links)
  39. Cawnpore To Lucknow‏‎ (2 Links)
  40. East Quantock‏‎ (2 Links)
  41. George's Joy‏‎ (2 Links)
  42. Jill's Hogmanay‏‎ (2 Links)
  43. Liberty Jig‏‎ (2 Links)
  44. Méz, méz, méz‏‎ (2 Links)
  45. Queensborough‏‎ (2 Links)
  46. Spanish Gypsie‏‎ (2 Links)
  47. The Chairman's Retreat‏‎ (2 Links)
  48. The Oregon Rant‏‎ (2 Links)
  49. Tobermory Bay‏‎ (2 Links)
  50. Come Ye Back Again‏‎ (2 Links)

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